I have an idea. An idea for a possible art movement that I really want to share with the world. I have yet to give it a name, but I have created it myself and have dreamt of the possibilities that it can hold. I have been too afraid to go public with it, because I was afraid that people would want to steal my idea and I would lose credit for it almost entirely.
I am a big believer in not living your life based on fear and yet, fear has been holding me back this whole time for what I consider to be “my signature style” as an artist. I don’t know what has gotten into me, but this is where I draw the line and put my foot down. This is where I truly stand up for my-self and for my work.
What you are about to see is a style of art in which I believe is totally original, and totally expansive. I have other “weaves” that I have completed and am currently working on. This is one I just so happened to do as a labor of love for a big believer in Anonymous and all that they do. I need to make this happen. Now is the time I finally do something about it. This is the video where I go public with my work, and do what I love, regardless of the fear I have built up in my mind.
I hope this video will get people curious about this style of art. I hope they will want to learn how to do it themselves and make their own “weaves.” That is honestly my biggest hope for this video. If not, I hope it will still inspire other artists to do what they love. I hope it inspires them to never stop searching to expand their own creative passion and find something truly beautiful to them, as I have found for myself.