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    [0] => WP_Term Object
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    [8] => WP_Term Object
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            [cat_name] => Wish Dish Staff Blog
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Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

(Written by Desiree Sullivan)

“Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” But why not? Why not take the biggest bite out of that double-decker, ketchup slathered, bacon covered, whopping goodness of a burger?

So what if you end up with ketchup on your chin and a heaping mess of what once was a picture-perfect burger – chances are you’re going to eat it anyway, right?

In the grand scheme of things… What do you have to lose?

You take risks every day, my friend. You snap and drive (no worries we’ve all recorded ourselves belting out Earth Wind & Fire for our Snapchat fans). You like your crush of the week’s Instagram photo. You charge concert tickets to the credit card that was meant only for gas and groceries. You take one more Rumple shot than you remember agreeing to. You skip work. You bail on plans for some reason you’ll never remember anyways.

So why won’t you take a risk and bite off more than you can chew?

If you’re anything like me, you have a head full of ideas, maps, plans and inventions that will one day seamlessly come together to lay the foundation for an empire larger than that of the Romans.

Even as a child, I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. I wanted to make straight S’s, make the winning soccer goal, have the highest arabesque in ballet class, never get caught in a neighborhood game of manhunt, and still have time for Spongebob and dessert before bedtime.

My hunger for life (and pizza) continued through my adolescence and teenage years. In high school I took 3 AP classes my sophomore year, 5 my junior year and 4 my senior year. I was a member of Student Government, Key Club, The Herd, and served as Vice President of Beta Club. Immediately after school and club activities I danced everyday until 10 p.m.

Afterwards I was on the floor of my room figuring out the difference between SIN, COS, and TAN while simultaneously bs’ing the meaning of literary devices in Mary Shelley’s 1818 Frankenstein novel until 2 a.m. (all while eating the plate of Shepard’s pie my Mom left in the fridge for me).

My weekends were filled with dance competitions that lasted 12 hours each day and often-required travel. The occasions where I was actually able to squeeze in date night with my high school sweetheart, Friday nights under the stadium lights, prom, spring break or any other social activity were rare and yet eagerly accepted – even if it meant only running on 3 hours of sleep the next day. I wanted it all. I craved it all and I refused to not pile too much on my plate.

Fast-forward and I’ve been accepted into the University of Georgia. My parents, coaches, counselors and mentors advised that I take it easy in college to really, “find who I am.” I did just the opposite (I know, I’m such a rebel).

But I already knew who I was and who I wanted to be.

  • I never switched my Public Relations major.
  • I’ve joined countless clubs.
  • I was an RA for an inspiring group of individuals (Church Hall forever).
  • I interned with three major companies. I’ve experienced love and heartbreak.
  • I worked part time as a nanny, smoothie maker, makeup consultant, and food tour guide.
  • I have rang the chapel bell, danced in the fountains, and popped bottles at Sanford Stadium.
  • I built a Communications Department from the ground up.
  • I earned two minors.
  • I’ve danced and sung my heart out at the Georgia Theatre (Disclosure FTW).
  • I volunteered at Pinewoods Library tutoring children of an underserved Latino trailer park community.
  • I worked as a full-time employee for a local company while balancing a full course load.
  • I became a leader of a 7th grade girls small group.
  • I have managed a total of 12 interns.
  • I graduated with honors.
  • I’ve eaten at some of the best local restaurants the Classic City has to offer (The Royal Peasant will always have my heart).
  • I have met the people who will stand next to me on my wedding day.
  • I stayed hungry.

And now because I bit off more than I could possibly chew, I’ve been accepted into Terry College of Business’ MBA program for Fall 2015 as the youngest student in my cohort. I was able to bypass having to work full-time for two years prior to starting my graduate degree because I had already completed that prerequisite while completing my undergrad.

I don’t say all this to brag because humbleness and humility are two major ingredients in the recipe for success, but I say this as an example to prove that you can do more.

I can still do more. I still want to do more.

Being timid and scared is for the birds. Stay hungry. Take that head of yours swimming with maps, plans, ideas and inventions and dive head first into life. Take every opportunity that comes your way, big and small. Always take the extra bite.

And I’m not saying it’s easy. It’s hard. It is frighteningly hard. But once you find your groove and figure out how to balance all that you want to do, it becomes second nature. You will find ways to carve out time to squeeze more opportunity into your days (this is that time management thing you keep hearing about – get yourself a planner or use that handy dandy smartphone of yours ).

Trust me, you will survive and you can do it. The end result is so worth it all.

I know what you’re thinking – we’ve always heard that being full is a bad thing and that you should ration and portion out what you consume. I say that’s a load of crap. I say your life should be full. Full of all the wonders this world has to offer. It is waiting for you in all of its beautiful and perfect glory – all you have to do is do it. Do it all.

Eat too much. Laugh too much. Study too much. Cry too much. Work too much. Sing too much. Joke too much. Travel too much. Dance too much. Love too much. Be too much. Because in the grand scheme of things… What do you have to lose?

Awesome. We will send you a quality story from time to time.

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