The man who went where none should go and saw what none should see,
Had his knowledge wrapped around an eternal mystery.
He witnessed many glorious things, and many heinous too,
Yet ev’n his stores of knowledge failed to reveal something of the truth.
Then one day the man encountered a knocking at the door,
And he who swayed in spirit failed to do so anymore.
‘Find rest old man’, it whispered, defying all he knew.
‘Find rest and you shall find’, it said, ‘your soul has been renewed!’
The man was filled with joy as the shackles vanished from his mind;
He had unintentionally discovered the true eternal kind.
“Never again!” he proclaimed to all, in regards to past pursuits.
“Never again!” he called again, so that some would hear the news.
Yet none desired to listen to what the old man said.
“Fool!” they called him, unaware
Of their own inflicted heads.
First, the man was troubled, unsure of what to do.
But soon enough he found the Way, earning interest for the truth.
Rather than preach a message, he began to act the part.
Instead of looking for the end, he rested at the start.
The people marveled at him, not comprehending why.
“How can you live this way?” they asked the passerby.
“Now you see the truth,” he said, “what I had tried to tell.
But because you did not listen, you’ve found yourselves in hell.”
“What is this that you speak of?” the people asked, astounded,
Refusing to comprehend knowledge so unfounded.
“I will tell you once again,” he said, hoping for the best.
“Never again should you or I seek to leave His rest.”
Finally they understood from witnessing his ways,
This man had found a secret which brightened up his days.
But still he tried to tell them: “My secret’s free for all!
The light is all around you
Waiting for your call…”