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    [0] => WP_Term Object
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Contradiction and Change

December 6
Chris Campbell

The world is constantly changing, especially the world we call home in the United States. Our economy, political views, social views, business ideas, and individual beliefs are influenced by change, and more importantly those who initiate it.

The rest of the world surrounding us is influenced by its own change. Therefore, change is not the same for everyone or every country. Some accept change, and others may not, however it is evident that it has a firm grasp on how we perceive.

In our economy, people are accepting that capitalism should be replaced by controlled socialism; people like Bernie Sanders and those who follow him. Bernie Sanders is an initiator of change. He holds views that he believes will benefit the economy; views that are very different from the traditional sense of capitalism. Donald Trump, the leading Republican candidate, is obviously a change from the traditional sense of Republican/ conservative belief. Although he may hold some conservative ideas, it is clear that, as he leads the Republican polls, he is also one that initiates change in our economy and view of politics. He accepts that certain things must be subject to change, which connects the ideas of contradiction and change.

Contradiction and change can go hand in hand. Both ideas are viewed in different lights, but technically they can mean the same thing.

%tags Culture/Travel

For example, Bernie Sanders would like to bring socialist ideas to a purely capitalist country- is this change or contradiction? Donald Trump is changing the way that people understand politics through control of the media. He is contradicting the idea of professionalism, and how our presidential candidates represent themselves and their parties. He, quite literally, has every Republican candidate battling against him because his views are contradictory to traditional conservatism. But people follow him, and they believe in him. Now how do contradiction and change tie into each other, and our topic of a Level 5 leader? And what defines a level 5 leader?

A level 5 leader is the perfect contradiction. They are one who accepts change, but also holds views that must remain to benefit everyone. They are one who lives their life both professionally and personally. They are one who produces ideas that primarily benefit their own predicament, but does so in order to benefit those around them. This sounds like a positive contradiction, but contradiction has always been viewed in a negative light.

Chuck Blakeman discusses a change in how businesses can be run in a Tedx MileHigh lecture. The change he talks about is from an industrial point of view to what he calls “participation.” Many people may find this change contradictory to the idea of capitalism that we, as an economy, so desperately follow. For example, leaders are defined by how well their ideas benefit everyone within and outside the company; not by position or title that has been given. “Participation,” Chuck says, is not having standard work hours, but working when it is needed to benefit the business. Work becomes a group process, not an individual job. The “Participation” business not only uses a Level 5 leader to its full potential, but does well in training others to become leaders themselves.

Standard leaders of corporations today resort to traditional hierarchies of leadership with strictly defined jobs for individuals. Blakeman initiates change in his lecture by innovating the way that people can work to not only benefit the company by reaching optimal output through groups, but also by redefining how an individual can become a leader inside and outside of the workplace.

As individuals learn how to benefit each other, and not just themselves, all will learn how to accept change by understanding others’ perspectives of the world of business and how it can be run.

In conclusion, change and contradiction have never been simple. Implementing laws in politics is an annual, if not a decadal process. Our economy is structured by traditional business, businesses that have been failing us as an economy. Other, thriving businesses, like Apple and Google, have begun changing the idea of a workplace, however the traditional sense of work remains. Many of these businesses go into bankruptcy due to bad leadership. The idea of a Level 5 leader explains that it does not take one individual to lead a group, but it takes one individual to teach how others can lead groups of their own.

As we become more capable of leadership as individuals, our economy and population will more strongly represent the leader-esque nation we have chosen to become, and continue to be.

Real Talk: Let’s Get Something Straight

November 22
Kirsten Farmer
Overcoming Challenges

I hate politics. Well actually, I despise politics. If you know me personally, you know that. But I just have to ask that you keep a few things in mind when you brag to me how you are a part of the “Drumpf Train.”

First of all, it’s not Drumpf that I hate so much, it’s his ideology: racism, sexism, homophobia, discrimination, etc.. I’m not able to comprehend that so many people I know are willingly supportive of such a hateful human being. It’s also not a Democrat/Republican issue. Quite frankly, I don’t belong to either of those two parties. Let me break it down why I am personally, as Kirsten, offended by the ideologies of Donald Drumpf.

First and foremost, I was blessed enough to be raised as a part of a biracial family. This taught me strong family values, respect, and the importance of fighting for equality. When you say “Drumpf,” I hear “racial injustice.” I don’t like that. If you know me and seem to care about me, why would you brag about the cruel things this candidate has to say about my family? You know my family is black, yet you’re so willing to openly cheer to me how you support a racist. That’s quite rude and inconsiderate.

“Drumpf,” you say. “Social injustice,” I hear.

I’ve also been blessed enough to have an array of gay/bi/lesbian friends and family in my life. I don’t like that either. Love is love. I’m religious, but people need a dose of reality. It’s not all Adam and Eve; you have to respect that not everyone believes in that (you do support the 1st amendment, don’t you?) How do you preach about the greatness of American freedom, yet attempt to infringe upon those rights when granted to people that are just wanting to live their lives in peace and happiness? They’re not bothering you, and you’re being quite mean.

I’m a feminist. Drumpf just isn’t. It would be totally bizarre and completely unnecessary for me to repeat how he refers to women. You know what he said. Hmm… Not really a fan of that either. I recall when you were worried about the transgender community sexually assaulting your children when being given their free right to go into their restroom of choice, yet now you’re supporting someone who actually has a record of sexual assault. Wait, you’re not worried about this candidate’s record of sexual assault? I’ll just sip my tea and mind my own business.

I’m currently majoring in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Georgia. You exclaim to me, “Oh my god, Kirsten! That’s so cool,” yet your vote for Drumpf tells me that you’re okay with his plans to cut NASA’s funding, and there’s also the possibility that you believe climate change is a hoax, or not a pressing issue. Tell me how cool you find my astrophysics studies when I can’t find a job in four years because one of the possible major employers of my desired profession isn’t able to pay me. Tell me how cool it is then.

In conclusion, I’m baffled by the people in my life that appear to support and claim they love me, yet personally go out of their way to strike down my friends and family. The voting is over, I’m not attempting to sway anyone. It just saddens me to know that my country willingly opts to have a leader who strongly supports such hateful ideals.  Next time you think about screaming “Drumpf” in my face as I peacefully exercise my right of the first amendment, please consider what you’re ACTUALLY supporting before you advocate for it. I really don’t think people think these things through.

On a side note, I reach out to all of those who share my sadness, and I encourage you to reach out to me if you wish. We may have lost the battle, but we have not lost the war. LOVE DRUMPFS HATE, and in the end, love will always prevail.

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