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Bringing It Home

These past few days, we have given you an inside look at UGA HEROs. Our series concludes today with another exceptional collection of testimonials from HEROs members.

Before you read, here’s how to get involved


Ali Chambers

%tags Overcoming Challenges

At first HEROs was only something to do. Joining the special events committee was decided on a whim to put some focus into my life and do something out of the ordinary. In this committee, I met two of the nicest human beings, leaders in charge of hosting a 200 person gala on a minimal budget and in about 2 months.

Although I never experienced what HEROs was really about, my two leaders’ hard work and obvious passion for what they were doing led me to be interested in this amazing cause.

After the gala, I signed up for the opportunity to be a driver for the HEROs Spring Kids day where I drove with a partner to Atlanta to pick up the kids and bring them to Athens. Not knowing what to expect, I met 14 amazing “kids” half of whom were over 16 years old.

This organization isn’t about cute little children… it’s about real life kids who are just a few years younger than us, struggling with something they couldn’t help.

The events we host are just a small part of the benefits that come from the money UGA HEROs raises, but even that little bit means so much. There is no way to describe how HEROs affects me. Yes, we raise money. Yes, we help kids. But if you’re on the fence about joining, I will say this: HEROs puts a smile on both the faces of children and my own. That’s worth it. The effort we put in, the lives we can affect, and the fun we create make me happy. You’ll read hundreds of testimonies about how HEROs changes children’s lives, but it also changed my heart.


Richard Begando

%tags Overcoming Challenges My name’s Richard Begando and a year ago I made the incredible decision to join UGA HEROs. To be honest with y’all, I had no clue what the mission or purpose of HEROs was when I decided to join.

All I knew at the time was that I wanted to join a large UGA organization because it seemed like the right thing to do.

My shot-in-the-dark decision was life-changing.

I started out freshman year in the Special Events committee. Words can’t describe how terrified I was walking into that first HEROs meeting. I didn’t know anyone in the committee, and I had absolutely no idea what to expect.

Instantly the wonderful Bayley Bennett (Special Events Exec. Chair/Committee Leader) made me feel right at home, and I felt like I didn’t have that much to fear anymore.

Soon after joining the committee, I interviewed and became a member of HEROs Freshman Council (DO IT). Never have I met such a great group of inspiring individuals—led by one of the greatest human beings in the world, Mr. Kyle Southerland. My time in freshman council was what really made me figure out how much of an impact we as HEROs members have on our precious gifts, THE KIDS!

I was first introduced to the HEROs kids at the HEROs Olympics in December, and in that moment I finally figured out where I belonged at UGA.

When the spring rolled around, I joined the Alumni Relations committee with a stud named Aubrey Wheeler (Alumni Relations Exec. Chair). I interviewed to become a Team Leader and soon received the news that I had been selected, along with 27 of some of the greatest people you’ll ever meet. When we had our first meeting, there was little awkwardness between us. We all just became best friends.

I think the stars aligned for us with our fearless leaders Sarah Kate Johnson and Hamilton Way. Using the term as a compliment, these two are freaks. I don’t think either of them could ever run out of energy (trust me, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them calm).

Crazy as they may be, they both have the biggest hearts for HEROs. We as TLs will always try our best to reach the passion they have for HEROs, but I don’t think that will ever be possible—I think I speak for all of the TLs when I say that I am freaking pumped to get my philanthropists this fall.

Though I have all of these incredible leaders, the people who I honestly look up to are the children.

I want to do my best for them, and I’m sharing my story with y’all so you can join with me to help give these children the amazing lives they deserve. When you make the decision to become a member of HEROs, I guarantee you are making the best choice of your life.
Dream big.


Devonna Nickeo                                                            

%tags Overcoming Challenges I have not been in HEROs very long, but every minute since I joined has felt nothing short of amazing. Even as an outside observer, HEROs always seemed like a large community deeply connected by one important cause: to help children know they are more important and loved.

Once you are connected by a cause such as ours it’s almost impossible to leave without feeling like you’re a part of something bigger than yourself, part of a family.

That’s what HEROs means to me. Family. We help families while we build our own. Every day I am inspired by my fellow HEROs and their unwavering dedication to our kids. Each level of our organization, from team members to the Board of Directors, is bursting with passion and compassion, driven to make a tangible difference.

It’s easy to look at a big organization like HEROs and only see our fundraising goals, but if you look a little closer you’ll see we are much more than that. And I am so honored to be a member.


Seth Edwards

%tags Overcoming Challenges I joined HEROs as a philanthropist because I wanted to get involved in a philanthropy that I felt could make a difference in people’s lives.

I didn’t quite realize how much of a difference HEROs makes until I met the HEROs children.

Once I met the children, I started to understand how amazing this organization is.

Seeing their joyful smiles and hearing their laughter showed me the impact this organization can achieve when we work together to make a difference in the lives of children infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS.


Now that you’re inspired, get involved!

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