Dear Elizabeth,
Ten months ago, I was driving through a parking garage in Athens, Georgia on a call with my father. He said to me, “Bryan, are you ever going to date anyone and grow up?” I replied, “Dad, I am too busy and don’t have time for a relationship.” At the time, I did not give much thought to the conversation besides my stubborn self thinking “I know what is best.”
Additionally, I was focused on my dream. I didn’t want any distractions.
A few months later you (Elizabeth) reached out to me to over Facebook asking about my trip after not speaking to me in three years. That trip seems to be a beautiful theme in our relationship … pushing ourselves in the outdoors.
And then we caught up…
I remember the night so vividly. A long day at work left me feeling blah. I remember sharing with my Mom, “I don’t feel like going out with her leaving for Finland tomorrow” Plus, I never saw myself living in Virginia and didn’t see the point. She said, “Bryan, you need to have some fun in life” and little did I know I’d eventually be dating Ms. Fun.
Our first night out together was one for the ages. You know those times when you sit down with someone and can’t even “connect”? Those times when you think, “why even try to date?” … Well, ours was different considering we were playing the grand piano in the Reston Hyatt at 11pm on full blast
Why this is special:
I never thought in a million years I’d find someone who put in the same amount of effort if not more into making this work. Your consistent communication, commitment, and dedication are qualities few and far between.
I never believed I’d find someone who was always constantly trying to improve themselves personally and professionally, but be so clear in understanding their limits and what they want in this world.
I always struggled thinking someone would appreciate me for who I am and not what I do. But also support me through the mental and emotional highs and lows of my entrepreneurial journey.
I also never thought I could have so much fun having someone else in my life while continuing to pursue my ambitions. You’ve proven me wrong and shown me some of the most special experiences of my life traveling to Colorado, and Arizona.
You also do the little things well. You text my parents and thank them. You write hand written thank you notes like my mom taught me. You bake my family and extended family your best goodies.
You treat your friends well. You put so much effort into your relationships. You throw them parties for their birthdays, make them stained wood signs, and are there for them when they need you the most.
I asked Carey to describe you, and she sent me this quote. She said that it should say “You are fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire”
You put your family first and hold your relationship with your father as tight as my mom held my hand walking me across the street as a kid. You have a mother who has your best intentions and has exemplified how to be a professional rockstar.
You also are one of the most dedicated people I know. You put your mind to something and it happens. And usually that’s to help others at the expense of yourself.
You put so much effort into your job. Your staff respects you because you invest in growing them. You create incredible experiences that bring people together on the most important day in a couples life … their wedding day. And you care so much about giving your all from the food that is prepped to how the napkins are folded.
Honestly, I don’t think I could have found someone better to share this experience. Thank you for being who you are.
My time with you has been a beautiful chapter. And Im excited to write a few more along your side.
Love Bryan